Lodge Road

Western Wards Allotment Association

Lodge Road, Locks Heath

We have 28 plots at this site. Plots are let by "the rod" and a typical 5 rod plot equates to 110 square metres. Annual Rental, which is payable on the 1st October each year is £8.50 per rod plus £2.50 annual membership of the association, meaning a 5 rod plot costs £45.00 per annum. To apply for an allotment please contact the site manager.

Lodge Road allotments are situated to the west of Fareham at Locks Heath and can be accessed via the A27 Southampton Road and Hunts Pond Road.

About our Lodge Road Site

Toilets – We currently do not have a toilet at this site.

Parking – There is no on–site parking, but on street parking is available in Lodge Road.

Chippings and Manure – Not currently available on this site.

Equipment – A Motor Mowers is available to help you keep the paths around your allotment cut.

Buildings – In accordance with the Tenancy Agreement, Plot Holders have a choice of erecting a poly tunnel or a greenhouse on their plot. In addition, they can erect a fruit cage and a shed. This must be within the 20% cultivated area of their plot and subject to agreement of the installation with the Site Manager.

Chickens and Bees – No chickens or bees currently on this site.

Watering – Plot holders are encouraged to capture rain water in water butts where possible. When stored water is not available, we have standpipes situated across the sites with a mains water supply. Plots should be watered where possible using a watering can. We are also allowing; on a trial basis the spot watering of plants using a hosepipe and will be monitoring the effect on usage and the associated cost as water is an expensive resource for us.

Contact Site Manager: Mrs Sandra Milam on 01489 582054 or 07592 399489.

You can have a shed and/or a greenhouse on your plot.

You can also apply to keep bees or chickens.

To apply for an allotment, please email us – we will need your name, address and telephone number.

lodge road